Saturday, April 17, 2010


Name: Izian Farhani Zainudin
Sisters : im the only one =(
Brothers :kecik sorg,Muhammad Anis Zainudin
Height : 158cm
Where do you live : Nibong Tebal, Penang
Have you,
ever been on a plane : not yet,
Swam in the ocean : nope..
Fallen asleep at school : sangat selalu smpai kat skolah dlu,kena baling ngn pemadam,..haha
Broken someone’s heart : pass
Fell off your chair : hehe,blommm
Sat by the phone all night waiting for someone to call
: always do ❤
Saved e-mails : well,important mails
What is your room like :
What’s right beside you
Handphone,bear.,chipmunks ,haha..
What is the last thing you ate :
Emm nasi goreng ,
Ever had,
Chicken pox : nope
Sore throat : ..
Broken nose :..
Do you
believe in love at first sight : (╥_╥)
Like picnics : oh,sangat2!
Who was/were,
The last person you danced with:entah?
Last made you smile : tgk anak kucing tdi,,.. (≧◡≦)
You Today Did You,
Talk to someone you like : definitely
Kissed anyone : nope
Get sick : ..
Talk to an ex : Nope..
Miss someone : every single day
Who do you really hate :people who don’t cares bout their responsibility
Do you like your hand-writing : yes,very much =p
Whose bed other than yours would
you rather sleep in : my bro's
What color shirt are you wearing now : red..MU tshirt,but the local only,okey..(xmampu mhal2..)
Are you a friendly person : maybe? u tell me
Do you have any pets :
Xdak,,,suma kucing,dtg pas2 xmai2 da..
What are you doing right now : buang masa
Can you handle the truth : em..
Are you closer to your mother or father : mom
Do you eat healthy : tidakk
Do you still have pictures of you & your ex :nope
If you’re having a bad day,
who are you most likely to go to :family, beby
Are you loud or quiet most of the time : loudest
Are you confident : im a mouse during exams.
gagap,gelabah n screwed things up

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